“For those of you who possess the land and labor but lack capital, We have made credit available at low interest. For those of you who have the necessary capital but do not possess land to work on, We have, in accordance with Our Proclamation which entitled every Ethiopian to ownership of land, established offices in every province through which you may be able to acquire land. Those who have neither land nor money will be granted land and a financial loan at low interest. For those of you who possess land, who have financial resources and manpower, We have made experts available to furnish you with the necessary guidance and advice in your various undertakings.”
- H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I, Nov. 3, 1959
ARC members are well positioned to benefit from our project support capabilities, such as:
Fundraising campaigns to assist in meeting project goals and objectives;
Public relations and visibility through the ARC platform;
A network of likeminded people for collaborations, staffing, volunteers and referrals;
Legal and technical advice and expertise;
Thought leadership and consultation;
Access to technology, land and education; and
Social welfare assistance.