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ARC Membership

ARC members consist of Ras Tafari creatives of African descent and those that wish to support these creatives.




There are five(5) categories of membership:


  • Executive Members - Executive members are the governing body (goodie) of ARC. They must be active members.


  • Active Members - Active members, who must be Ras Tafari creatives, are the voting body of ARC. To become an active member, one must attend three(3) consecutive meetings, for instance, attending one(1) intake meeting and two(2) committee meetings. Active members are required to pay dues to become an active member and to retain their active member status annually.

  • General Members - General members, who must be Ras Tafari creatives, are not eligible to vote or hold executive or other leadership positions in ARC. To become a general member, one must be referred by an active member and perform other duties as required. This category of membership includes Ally Members.

  • Ally Members - Ally members, who may not be Ras Tafari creatives or identify as Ras Tafari, are not eligible to vote or hold executive or other leadership positions in ARC. To become an ally member, one must be referred to ARC by a general, active or executive member.

  • Imperial Investors - Imperial investors are members of any category wishing to contribute more than active or general members. The ARC Imperial Investor will pay three (3) times of annual dues towards the fulfillment of ARC mission. Imperial investors are not entitled to voting rights. However, any executive or active member who becomes an Imperial Investor will retain their voting rights.

Membership Benefits

The benefits of ARC Membership are as follows:


  • All members of ARC will receive a digital copy of the ARC Calendar

  • Access to the ARC membership contact database/directory.

  • ARC members will also be eligible for discounts for goods and services from ARC as well as participating ARC members.

  • Access to promote their goods and/or services on the ARC website and African Marketplace.  

  • ARC members will receive a bumper sticker, certificate and badge.

  • Access to exclusive ARC workshops

  • First access to investment opportunities.

  • Access to exclusive ARC content

How To Become Member

Dispute Resolution

Use The following steps to become a memeber of the ARC:


  • Seek a referal/recomendation from an existing ARC memeber (How To find an ARC member)

  • Attend an ARC intake meeting (When are ARC intake meetings)

  • Fill out ARC Membership Form

  • Fpr Active Membership pay membership dues, attend two committee meetings and select a commitee to join

  • For General, Ally and Imperial Investor Mebership pay membership dues


Membership Dues
Business Directory
Dispute Resolution
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