Sun, Feb 05

Time & Location
Feb 05, 2023, 4:00 PM EST
About the event
HABESHA Inc. (Helping Africans By Establishing Schools at Home and Abroad) is now turning 21 …..Yes 21 years of service to our community!!!
Join us as we help to celebrate and commemorate the establishment of HABESHA Inc. this SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 2023 via ZOOM.
Exclusive Footage from K.A.S.I.
Special Guest Presentations
HABESHA Alumni Testimonials
Join the Mission to Reach $21,000 USD
Hosted by Kofi Di Farmer
Give thanks for the great works the HABESHA Inc. has done and is doing!
Please show up and help them celebrate by showing some support via the Digital Donor Event!
Rastafari Creatives a Connect!
**Youtube Livestream**
**Zoom Livestream**
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Passcode: 266167
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